emf balancing technique
Results found: 3
The Medicine Woman, Cat Neale ND | Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine, EMF Balancing Technique, New . « emf-balancing-technique
(Clicks: 346;website added: Nov 8, 2006, emf-balancing-technique)
Cat Neale is a naturopath, herbalist, intuitive and visionary who helps people to make sense of and resolve health and wellbeing challenges, big or small.
kath cath neale neal neil neill iridology reflexology energy
EnergyWise - EMF Balancing Technique® « emf-balancing-technique
(Clicks: 267;website added: Apr 1, 2014, emf-balancing-technique)
EnergyWise - Pauline Baker - EMF Balancing Technique
emf balancing technique energy spiritual growth spiritual growth holisitc energy fields science spirituality
Kate Evans Energy Therapist « emf-balancing-technique
(Clicks: 255;website added: Sep 16, 2010, emf-balancing-technique)
In my work I find that working on an energetic level gets to the basics, the fundamentals of any problem. Scientifically speaking everything is made of energy this is the smallest atom that everything on earth can be brought down to. This includes of
emotions energy therapy therapist spirit emf balancing technique healing relaxation