www.in7.co.nz > interactive
http://www.in7.co.nz - National business directory New Zealand



Results found: 294
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Plasma Tech Digital Solutions

Plasma Tech Digital Solutions « interactive

(Clicks: 1043;website added: Sep 30, 2008, interactive)
Plasma Tech Digital Solutions - Please select a product

digital advertising new zealand advertise total interactive captivate radio productions plasma
Whiteboards, Projectors, Pinboards, Visual presentation | JRJ | J Roger Jenkins
J Roger Jenkins a proud NZ manufacturer product range features Porcelain on steel Interactive whiteboards, Whiteboards, Easels , Projectors, Display boards, Acrylic Whiteboards, Notice boards, dual purpose Grey boards, Sliding board units, free standi

whiteboards interactive whiteboards 2 touch 2 touch two touch litewyte digital 2touch projectors litewyte
Microscopes for public spaces » MicroEye Interactive

Microscopes for public spaces » MicroEye Interactive « interactive

(Clicks: 995;website added: Nov 16, 2013, interactive)
We have been helping people take a closer look at the magnified world for over twenty years

microeye microimaging microeye interactive science science public spaces
Central Station | Advertising and Communications Service

Central Station | Advertising and Communications Service « interactive

(Clicks: 987;website added: Jun 6, 2014, interactive)
research and strategy, media planning and placement, tv and video production, branding and design production, interactive and direct marketing, social marketing, pr and event management.

research and strategy social marketing
Home - Mathseeds

Home - Mathseeds « interactive

(Clicks: 963;website added: Jan 13, 2010, interactive)
Mathseeds teaches kids aged 3-6 core maths and problem solving skills with fun online maths games and activities. Try a FREE 14 day trial today!

learn to read learn read learning reading parent teacher interactive
Connect Communications - High quality, interactive communication skills training for health profes
High quality, interactive communication skills training for health professionals in New Zealand

communications communicate skills training training health professionals doctor nurse workshop new zealand
Go Vertical Bungy and Attractions Auckland - a leading innovator in the New Zealand family entertain
GO VERTICAl NZ offers an exciting range of interactive attractions like bungy trampoline, inflatables, climbing walls and water games for corporate and school events, festivals,trade shows, school galas & private parties & fundraising.

bungy trampoline event bungyjumping bungyjumping go vertical extreme sports funpark adventure
PLAYMEDIA | new media specialists - web | 3D | interactive | audio visual | new zealand
Playmedia specialises in web design, flash websites, animation and 3d modelling, interactive 3d, multimedia design, interactive CDROM. We aim to provide an innovative, interactive multimedia experience for your product or service.

multimedia web site web sites web sites interactive games online computer
Noise - create some. Creative design for print, internet, interactive and animation.
Noise - create some. Creative design for print, internet, interactive and animation

design print internet animation animation logo identity advertising flash motion graphics
Toulouse - About Us

Toulouse - About Us « interactive

(Clicks: 773;website added: May 24, 2013, interactive)
Toulouse Ltd is based in Wellington, New Zealand and is directed by Marc Simpson. Toulouse does museum exhibition, event, architectural and visitor experience lighting design. Toulouse consults on technology and interactive for museum exhibitions an

lighting design museums theatre events events technology project management

ICE AV « interactive

(Clicks: 767;website added: Jan 18, 2014, interactive)
ICE AV Audio Visual innovation, simulation, display, interactive products and solutions. Audio Visual Consultants, Manufacturing, Distribution, World wide

daytime projection led screens simulation screens interactive components interactive components sports score boards 3d display stereoscopic screen digital signage networks holodesk screen
Vitel Cabling Ltd | Electro Sound | Northland, Whangarei, New Zealand
Vitel Cabling specialising in Computer and Telecommunication Cabling offer their services in Northland, Whangarei, New Zealand. Contact Vitel Cabling on 09 430 8400 and Electrosound on 09 430 8383 for more information.

fibre optic cabling data installer vitel vitel electro sound audio visual projector installation smart board interactive board
Mmideas Biz card cd | Multimedia sales cd | Educational cd | Print Design | Web Design
Mmideas is a cuting edge in Website design, CD rom design and development. Our services include web site development, design, multimedia, interactive application, 3D, animation and corporate identity. We design, CD rom design and development and dev

flash flash website design cdrom cdrom design cdrom development cd rom design cd rom delevopment cd rom application business card cdrom
iLearn Interactive

iLearn Interactive « interactive

(Clicks: 746;website added: Jan 16, 2014, interactive)
Your #1 source for interactive online education learning software and teaching resources for schools, individuals and homeschoolers.

online learning software teaching resources individuals individuals homeschoolers homeschool maths english languages

pharminfotech « interactive

(Clicks: 742;website added: Sep 14, 2013, interactive)
pharminfotech is a drug inforamtion consultancy company developing database products and interactive training and on-line learning. formulation in pharmacy practice
New Zealand Websites - Web Builder - Web Design NZ

New Zealand Websites - Web Builder - Web Design NZ « interactive

(Clicks: 699;website added: Nov 15, 2013, interactive)
Ministry of Media specialises in web design, animation and 3d modelling, interactive 3d, multimedia design, interactive CDROM. We aim to provide an innovative, interactive multimedia experience for your product or service.

multimedia web site web sites web sites interactive games online computer
One Entertainment Interactive Event and Corporate Entertainment

One Entertainment Interactive Event and Corporate Entertainment « interactive

(Clicks: 689;website added: Oct 3, 2013, interactive)
Supplying the very best entertainment options – Interactive Performers, Dancers, Promo Talent, Bands, Musicians, Children’s Entertainment, Corporate Shows, MC’s/Facilitators, Event Theming and more

coporate shows corporate entertainment musicians entertainment entertainment face painter comedy show promo girls jugglers tribute acts
Hot Mustard | Integrated Advertising Agency | Auckland New Zealand
Hot Mustard is an integrated advertising agency creating dynamic campaigns that include direct marketing, TV radio, print, interactive, digital and branding. We like to call it Intelligent Communication.

integrated advertising design design print radio media interactive digital
Salt Interactive A Digital Creative Agency in Auckland New Zealand. Brand Design, Responsive Webs
Salt Interactive (formerly Salt Design ) offers online strategy, creative, design and production services across a wide range of digital channels. Brands work better with a little salt.

website design website development responsive website design adaptive website design brand design brand identity design online advertising iphone app design
Auckland Web Developer | Adam Wood Digital

Auckland Web Developer | Adam Wood Digital « interactive

(Clicks: 676;website added: Jun 27, 2014, interactive)
Adam Wood is a digital developer, designer and photographer based in Auckland, New Zealand

internet interactive media media social media design designer developer xhtml
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