www.in7.co.nz > martial arts
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martial arts

Results found: 121
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Modka - Martial Arts and Self Defence

Modka - Martial Arts and Self Defence « martial-arts

(Clicks: 1065;website added: Jul 25, 2013, martial-arts)
Mod-ka Combat Acadamy - Self Defence and Martial Arts Club in Taupo, New Zealand.

mod ka modka acadamy self defence self defence martial arts club taupo turangi mangakino
Zero Gravity Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Martial Arts Drury Pukekohe Auckland
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Martial Arts training in Drury Auckland New Zealand Contains information on BJJ classes, Childrens classes, Kids Classes Contact information.

Fitness World NZ ** HIRE IT or BUY IT ** IMPORTER DIRECT « martial-arts

(Clicks: 923;website added: Sep 4, 2007, martial-arts)
Fitness World NZ ** HIRE IT or BUY IT **Treadmills, Cross Trainers, Ellipticals, exercycles, rowing machines, gyms, weightlifting equipment, bars, bench’s , boxing and martial arts. Based in Panmure, East Auckland, ph 570 8962.
Fuji Mae New Zealand. Martial Arts Supplies Store, Brooklyn, Wellington | FujiMae
Fuji Mae New Zealand martial arts supplies store is based in Brooklyn, Wellington. Suppliers of training equipment, uniforms, compression wear, books and DVDs to all martial arts in Wellington and New Zealand.
Jeff Speakman's Kenpo 5. 0 Karate - Auckland NZ

Jeff Speakman's Kenpo 5. 0 Karate - Auckland NZ « martial-arts

(Clicks: 888;website added: Dec 28, 2013, martial-arts)
Welcome to American Kenpo 5.0 (Kempo) karate, teaching Streetwise Self Defense karate. Auckland, Whangarei, Cambridge and New Plymouth in New Zealand.

martial arts mixed martial arts karate kenpo kenpo kempo auckland jeff speakman
Chinese Martial Arts Association - Home

Chinese Martial Arts Association - Home « martial-arts

(Clicks: 875;website added: May 24, 2014, martial-arts)
Chinese Martial Arts Association (CMAA)

shotokan karate kung fu kick punch hung gar black belt cmaa
Japan Karate Association of New Zealand

Japan Karate Association of New Zealand « martial-arts

(Clicks: 823;website added: Jan 5, 2014, martial-arts)
JKA Auckland World Federation and JKA Pakuranga Karate Club are proud to form a new alliance to continue to promote the traditional brand of Shotokan karate under the direct guidance of the Japan Karate Association W.F, headquarters in Japan.

karate japan new zealand teacher teacher nihon kiwi budo martial arts fight
Seido Karate New Zealand Shibu, Christchurch Welcome to Seido Karate
Website of Seido Karate NZ Shibu, Barbadoes Street, Christchurch, New Zealand

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SGMA Martial Arts, Self Defense, Auckland

SGMA Martial Arts, Self Defense, Auckland « martial-arts

(Clicks: 767;website added: Oct 22, 2007, martial-arts)
west Auckland based effective self defense and Martial Arts, Strike, Grapple

family grapple martial arts safe self defense strike west auckland
About Us

About Us « martial-arts

(Clicks: 752;website added: Jul 1, 2014, martial-arts)
Welcome to the best Christchurch martial arts school for training in Muay Kickboxing, Mixed Martial Arts, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Childrens Martial Arts.

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Aikido Auckland

Aikido Auckland « martial-arts

(Clicks: 747;website added: Jun 21, 2014, martial-arts)
Institute of Aikido Auckland. Traditional Aikido on Auckland's North Shore. T: 0223 210 202

aikido auckland aikido auckland martial arts martial arts self defence fitness flexibility self confidence north shore

welcome « martial-arts

(Clicks: 746;website added: Apr 5, 2014, martial-arts)
Martial Arts is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family.

martial arts self defence karate kids martial arts kids martial arts kenpo tai chi mile high karate confidence focus
Zen Do Kai Freestyle Martial Arts - Karate, Kids Karate, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Self Defence
Zen Do Kai Freestyle Martial Arts - Karate, Kids Karate, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Self Defence
Welcome to Kyokushin New Zealand

Welcome to Kyokushin New Zealand « martial-arts

(Clicks: 712;website added: Oct 12, 2013, martial-arts)
Kyokushin 'the strongest Karate' this site features club locations and information about Kyokushin IKO1 in New Zealand

kyokushin karate martial arts kata kata kumite fight fitness strength mas oyama
Martial Arts Wellington self defence BJJ Brazilian Jiu Jitsu jujitsu ground fighting Grappling Speci
Martial Arts Wellington BJJ GSW Martial Arts Wellington Kiwi BJJ Black Belt Geoff Grant Brazilian Jiu Jitsu jujitsu ju jitsu classes beginners classes

Karate Martial Arts in Wellington Mt. Cook New Zealand NZ

Karate Martial Arts in Wellington Mt. Cook New Zealand NZ « martial-arts

(Clicks: 667;website added: Mar 21, 2014, martial-arts)
Enjoy Fitness and Fun at Kenpo Karate Wellington Family Martial Arts Academy and Kids' Karate - At Kenpo Karate Wellington Family Martial Arts Academy and Kids' Karate, you'll enjoy getting into great shape. You'll have fun while learning Kenpo karate.
Jeff Speakman's Kenpo 5. 0 Karate - Auckland NZ

Jeff Speakman's Kenpo 5. 0 Karate - Auckland NZ « martial-arts

(Clicks: 664;website added: Nov 6, 2010, martial-arts)
Welcome to American Kenpo 5.0 (Kempo) karate, teaching Streetwise Self Defense karate. Auckland, Whangarei, Cambridge and New Plymouth in New Zealand.

martial arts mixed martial arts karate self defense kenpo kempo auckland jeff speakman
Welcome to karateauckland. co. nz

Welcome to karateauckland. co. nz « martial-arts

(Clicks: 654;website added: Dec 30, 2013, martial-arts)

karate auckland shotokan okinawan okinawan karate new zealand martial arts
Welcome to Bruce Cheng Martial Arts - The authentic Lo Man Kam Wing Chung school in New Zealand
Bruce Cheng Martial Arts Lo Man Kam Wing Chun Lineage

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Welcome to Kumgang Tae Kwon Do - Martial Arts Auckland

Welcome to Kumgang Tae Kwon Do - Martial Arts Auckland « martial-arts

(Clicks: 616;website added: Dec 19, 2013, martial-arts)
Kumgang means Diamond. It stands for hardness. The Kumgang warrior represents the mightiest warrior as part of the Korean national spirit
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